LIM/LIMX 702 Invitation to the Catechism 1 crs.
Elective Course
This course introduces students to the Catechism of the Catholic Church as a resource for faith and prayer. It examines the history, including catechisms in other denominations. It also studies its structure, artwork, spirituality, and relation to other catechetical documents, such as the U.S. Catholic Catechism for Adults.
LIM/LIMX 703 Introduction to Practical Theology 3 crs.
Theological Core Course
This initial course in ministry education introduces students to a process of “pastoral praxis,” through a method of keeping theological reflection in constant dialogue with action. Students explore the interplay of the Christian tradition and the dynamics of living out that tradition through the sociocultural, personal, and institutional contexts of their ministries. The method of theological reflection is based upon the work of the Rev. Bernard Lonergan, S.J., and David Tracy.
LIMC 703 Introducción a la Teología Práctica 3 UEC
Curso de la base teolóciga
Este curso inicial de educación para el ministerio encamina a los estudiantes hacia un proceso de “praxis pastoral”, por medio de un método que mantiene un constante diálogo entre la reflexión teológica y la acción. Los estudiantes exploran la interrelación, entre la tradición cristiana y las dinámicas de esa tradición viviente en la práctica, a través de los contextos socio-culturales, personales e institucionales de sus ministerios.
LIM/LIMX 704 Spirituality, Morality, and Ethics 3 crs.
Theological Core Course
Traditional Catholic ethics are examined in the light of Vatican II. Students study the nature of the human person and the meaning of freedom and sin. They also explore the role of Scripture, reason and the natural law, norms, conscience, and Church authority in making moral decisions. Throughout the course, Christian living is placed in the context of personal spirituality and the call to discipleship. Sexual ethics and Catholic social teaching are discussed at length in the course.
LIMC 704 Espiritualidad, Moralidad y Ética 3 UEC
Curso de la base teolóciga
Este curso examina la Ėtica Católica Tradicional a la luz del Vaticano II. Los estudiantes reflexionan acerca de la naturaleza de la persona humana y del significado de la libertad y el pecado. También exploran el papel que desempeñan las Escrituras, la razón y la ley natural, las normas, la conciencia, y la autoridad de la Iglesia en la toma de decisiones morales. Durante el curso, el vivir cristiano es puesto en el contexto de la espiritualidad personal y del llamado al discipulado. La ética sexual y la doctrina social católica se discuten con detenimiento en el curso.
LIM/LIMX 711 Jewish Roots of Christian Faith: Intro to Old Testament 3 crs.
Theological Core Course
This course introduces students to the literature, history, and theology of ancient Israel as embodied in the ancient Hebrew scriptures commonly known as the Old Testament. It examines the major themes of Exodus, promise-fulfillment, and covenant in Israel’s history from the time of the patriarchs to the period of late Second Temple Judaism, which was the context of Jesus’ life and teachings. In particular those texts, events, and beliefs of ancient Israel which form an indispensable background for understanding the New Testament are highlighted.
LIMC 711 Raíces Judías de la Fe Cristiana (Antiguo Testamento) 3 UEC
Curso de la base teolóciga
Este curso es una introducción a la literatura, historia y teología del antiguo Israel, como las encontramos encarnadas en las antiguas escrituras hebreas, comúnmente conocidas como el Antiguo Testamento. En este curso se examinan los temas sobresalientes del Ėxodo, el cumplimiento de la promesa, y la alianza en la historia de Israel, partiendo de la época de los patriarcas hasta el judaísmo del Período del Segundo Templo, que fue el contexto de la vida y enseñanzas de Jesús. Se subrayan, en particular, aquellos textos, eventos y creencias del antiguo Israel, que constituyen un escenario indispensable para entender el Nuevo Testamento.
LIM/LIMX 712 Christian Origins: Intro to New Testament 3 crs.
Theological Core Course
This course introduces students to the literature, history, and theology of the early Christian scriptures commonly known as the New Testament. It examines the historical context of Jesus’ teachings, his parables and preaching of the “reign of God,” and the theology of Paul and the Gospels. Particular attention is given to the experience of faith that was engendered by Jesus among his first disciples and the lived faith of the earliest Christians.
LIMC 712 Orígenes del Cristianismo (Nuevo Testamento) 3 UEC
Curso de la base teolóciga
Este curso presenta, para su estudio, la literatura, historia y teología de las primitivas escrituras cristianas, comúnmente conocidas como el Nuevo Testamento. Examina el contexto histórico de las enseñanzas de Jesús, sus parábolas y la predicación del “reino de Dios”, y la teología de Pablo y de los Evangelios. Se presta atención particular a la experiencia de fe que Jesús engendró en sus primeros discípulos, y a la fe viviente de los primeros cristianos.
LIM/LIMX 714 Grace, Christ, and Spirit 3 crs.
Theological Core Course
This course introduces students to the rich Christian tradition of theological reflection and teaching on the person of Jesus Christ, the Trinity, and grace, as well as the role of the Holy Spirit in Christian life. In the context of this tradition, students are invited to a deeper understanding of the meaning of salvation in their lives and in their ministry. Contemporary theologies of Christ and salvation are also explored, using Karl Rahner’s writings as an example of a modern theology of grace.
Prerequisite: LIM 703
LIMC 714 Gracia, Cristo y Espíritu 3 UECs
Curso de la base teolóciga
Este curso pone a los estudiantes en contacto con la rica tradición cristiana de reflexión teológica y enseñanza acerca de la persona de Jesucristo, de la Trinidad y de la gracia; y también de la función del Espíritu Santo en la vida cristiana. En el contexto de esta tradición, se invita a los estudiantes a una comprensión más profunda del significado de la salvación en sus vidas y en su ministerio. También se exploran las teologías contemporáneas de Cristo y la salvación, usando los escritos de Karl Rahner como ejemplo de una moderna teología de la gracia.
LIM/LIMX 722 Church, Sacraments, and Liturgy 3 crs.
Theological Core Course
This course presents the experience and theology of church, sacraments, and liturgy as they have unfolded throughout Christian history. A major part of the course is dedicated to a deeper understanding of the meaning of sacramentality and the theology of the individual sacraments in the Catholic tradition. Special emphasis is given to Vatican II and post-conciliar developments in the church’s self-understanding and in the theology and practice of ministry, sacraments, and liturgy.
LIMC 722 Iglesia, Sacramentos y Liturgia 3 UEC
Curso de la base teolóciga
Este curso presenta la experiencia y teología de iglesia, sacramentos y liturgia, según se fueron desenvolviendo a través de la historia cristiana. La mayor parte del curso se dedica a una mayor comprensión del significado de sacramentalidad, y a la teología de cada sacramento en la tradición católica. Se insiste especialmente en el Concilio Vaticano II y en los desarrollos posconciliares con relación al conocimiento propio de la iglesia, y en la teología y práctica del ministerio, los sacramentos y la liturgia.
LIM 800 Topics in Religious Education 3/1 crs.
Elective Course
This course explores specific issues and concerns in religious education. Topics may include history of faith sharing, experiential education, development of educational theory, educational programming, art of teaching, developing a community of educators, and religious education in Latin America.
LIM 812 New Testament Topics 3/1 crs.
Elective Course
This course explores specific books and themes in the New Testament literature. The focus may vary from the Pauline writings to the Gospel of John, from an inquiry into the teachings of the historical Jesus to the vision of the Church in the Pauline mission.
LIM/LIMX 813 The Universe as Divine Manifestation 3 crs.
Focus Course in Religion and Ecology
This course engages students in a process of discernment, interpretation, and response to the natural world as revelatory, as a primary mediation and distinctive focus of divine presence and activity. Our exploration begins with searching out this revelation in the cosmological order through scientific insights into the structure and functioning of the universe. From this macrophase perspective, the course shifts to the more proximate witness to the divine as this finds expression in and through the planet Earth. Out of this experience and insight we will articulate the meaning of this revelation for ourselves and for people of faith in our times.
LIM/LIMX 814 The Emergent Universe: Our Sacred Story 3 crs.
Focus Course in Religion and Ecology
This course asks participants to immerse themselves in contemporary discoveries and understandings of the emergent universe and to reflect on its spiritual dimensions and significance. As we become familiar with this new story, this sacred story, we will also attend to the data which describes the urgency of the ecological issue with an eye to discerning its implications for the physical, psychic, and spiritual dimensions of our lives.
LIM/LIMX 819 Spirituality and the Theology of Work 3 crs.
Focus Course in Marketplace Ministry
Oriented to those students who understand their ministry as primarily taking place outside of parish or other explicit ecclesial communities, this course investigates work and profession from the standpoints of vocation and community. Vocation is considered as a transformation of toil into creative work, and profession is viewed as an expression of the way one professes commitment to a particular community. Creativity, redemption, and collaboration are explored in light of workplace systems and the difference that Christians can make in the world.
LIM/LIMX 820 Ministry in the Marketplace 3 crs.
Focus Course in Marketplace Ministry
This course helps students discern practical approaches to working toward mutually respectful, caring, and just communities in diverse and pluralistic work and community settings. The course will explore how images of collective life rooted in the biblical image of the reign of God can be translated into contemporary societies and community life with respect for persons of varying backgrounds and tradition.
LIM 826 Digital Media and Ministry 3 crs.
Focus Course in Digital Culture and Ministry
This course explores the question of communicating faith online. Using the social communication tradition of the Roman Catholic Church as well as current ecumenical scholarship, this course offers critical theory for engaging in social communication for ministry, as well as exploring the practical, pastoral implications of this for our digital culture and context.
LIM/LIMX 827 Spirituality for Ministers 3 crs.
Focus Course in Christian Spirituality for Pastoral Ministry
This course discusses the theological foundation of Christian life and explores how ministry is rooted in and gives expression to the minister’s relationship with God. Students are invited to reflect on prayer, discernment, and spiritual growth in the context of finding God in the midst of ministry.
LIM/LIMX 828 History of Christian Spirituality 3 crs.
Focus Course in Christian Spirituality for Pastoral Ministry
This course is an introduction to the variety of experiences and expressions of Christian spirituality from the roots of the Hebrew Scriptures to contemporary spiritual writing. The course focuses on monasticism, mysticism, and modern apostolic spirituality as a way of exploring the recurring questions and challenges that shape the human search for God.
LIM/LIMX 837 Foundations of Religious Education 3 crs.
Focus Course in Religious Education
An exploration of the contextual roots of the field that includes the Christian theological tradition, family, church, and socio-cultural influences and responses, as well as creation itself. Through this model of contextual reflection, participants will trace the evolution of the theory and practice of religious education in its Christian expression with special attention to its contemporary Roman Catholic character and responsibilities in ecclesial and academic settings.
LIM/LIMX 838 Curriculum Development 3 crs.
Focus Course in Religious Education
This course enables participants to distinguish three models of teaching and learning that are practiced in various educational contexts and to consider their strengths and weaknesses as well as their value, relevance, and appropriateness in the practice of religious education in church and school. Special attention will be given to contemporary guidelines, curricula, and concerns in Catholic religious education.
LIM 839 Religious Education across the Curriculum 3 crs.
Focus Course in Religious Education
This course envisions a school in which religious education is set at the center of the academic curriculum. Within such a school, religious education would obviously take the traditional form of a discrete subject that is concerned with passing on to students the distinctive teachings of the Catholic faith. This explicit focus of necessity remains but a part of the whole curriculum. What is needed and taken up in the course is a more comprehensive and integrated understanding and practice of religious education in which the religious educator partners with teachers to illumine the presence and activity of God, of the sacred, that ultimately and intimately pervades every subject and discipline as well as to affirm and support these teachers’ more implicit practice of religious education.
LIMX 840 Faith and Culture 3 crs.
Elective Course
This course explores the mystery of faith operating within the context of contemporary culture. Students are introduced to a broad array of social science perspectives and analytical skills. Powerful cultural forces, such as the news and entertainment media, generational differences, ritual, and technology are analyzed for insights in improving ministerial praxis and personal spiritual understanding.
This course explores crime and justice issues through the perspective of religion.
LIM/LIMX 844 Parish Life and Ministry 3 crs.
Focus Course in Pastoral Life and Administration
The aim of this course is to help participants reflect on today’s experience of the parish in its many shapes and forms. Pastoral practice and canon law are used during the course as reference points for discussion of the pastoral and canonical issues raised by the student and the course content.
LIM/LIMX 845 Contemporary Issues in Pastoral Ministry 3 crs.
Focus Course in Pastoral Life and Administration
This course examines a number of challenges facing parishes and pastoral leaders in a variety of ministry settings. Topics include issues related to evangelization, collaborative ministry, parish mergers and transitions, and the spirituality of lay ecclesial ministers, among others. Course participants also examine in more depth the needs and models of ministry related to a particular population (for example, ministry to homebound elderly) in their faith community.
LIM 846 Catechetical Leadership 3 crs.
Focus Course in Religious Education
This course begins with the theological and doctrinal foundations of the catechetical ministry, as rooted in evangelization, and as a particular ministry to foster conversion to Jesus Christ. From this foundation, the course moves on to explore a variety of pastoral issues that shape our ministries of catechesis: working with children, youth, adults; the role of the community in the task of catechesis; the relationship between liturgy and catechesis; and finally the formation of and resources available for catechetical leaders.
LIM 849 Introduction to Pastoral Care and Counseling 3 crs.
Focus Course in Pastoral Care
This course is a religious and social psychological introduction to the basic stance of pastoral care and counseling. It explores how pastoral counseling is like and not like secular counseling practice and articulates the unique characteristics of forms of counseling calling themselves pastoral.
LIM 856 Topics in Christian Spirituality 3/1 crs.
Elective Course
This course explores particular classical spiritualities such as St. Ignatius’ spiritual exercises or the spiritual vision of Meister Eckhart, or more generic themes such as prayer and contemporary spiritual discipline.
LIM/LIMX 860 Faith Development and Spirituality 3 crs.
Elective Course
This course invites students to develop a life-long commitment to faith formation and growth. Adult faith development and integrated spirituality are explored as students reflect on their own growth and the growth of those to whom they minister. Topics of adult development, learning, and faith are presented, including vocation, relationships, prayer, liturgy, and justice.
LIM/LIMX 861 Pastoral Leadership and Organization 3 crs.
Required Course for MPS/CPS, MRE/CRE
This course explores the meaning of pastoral leadership in light of the current research in organizational development and ecclesiology. Current literature is surveyed in light of the mission of the church and the ecclesial vision of participants. Special emphasis is placed upon participative strategic planning processes and organizational development. Participants will analyze an organizational system for its strengths and weaknesses and propose interventions that would strengthen its organizational functioning.
LIM 863 Family Systems 3 crs.
Elective Course
This course offers an integrational perspective on family systems. The primary purpose of this course is to help participants understand more deeply how the web of family relationships continues to affect all of our interpersonal relationships, including our professional ones. A parallel goal is to sensitize ourselves to the effects of family history on those with whom we interact as professionals in counseling and ministry.
LIM/LIMX 870 Foundations of Youth Ministry 3 crs.
Focus Course in Youth Ministry
The course examines the broad foundations of youth ministry with younger and older adolescents. It then investigates a model for comprehensive youth ministry that incorporates developmentally sound youth programs, strengthens the family’s role in the lives of young people, involves adolescents as integral members of the local church, and reaches out to key individuals and organizations in the wider community in the dynamic effort to promote healthy youth formation.
LIM 874 Special Topics in Ministry 3/1 crs.
Elective Course
Students in this course will focus on particular topics critical to their concerns in ministry. Such topics as ministry to the sick and dying, ministry to the aged, and ministry in minority communities will be explored in any given semester.
LIM/LIMX 876 Adolescent Spirituality and Methods of Faith Development 3 crs.
Focus Course in Youth Ministry
With this course, students first examine in depth the phenomenon and characteristics of adolescent spirituality today. They then examine typical stages of religious development during the adolescent years. Finally, students direct their attention to a study of a variety of methodologies to enhance and encourage the faith development of youth, and appropriate to helping youth grow in religious knowledge and religious expression.
LIM 885 Religious Communication 3/1 crs.
Focus Course in Digital Culture and Ministry
This course explores how a variety of communication media can benefit ministers in their particular settings. Both theory and practice of contemporary communication media, especially the use of television, are explored with hands-on experience.
LIM/LIMX 886 Pastoral and Educational Praxis 3 crs.
Capstone Course
In this capstone course, students employ the method of practical theology to reflect on concerns related to their ministerial and educational praxis. Careful analyses that include the social and cultural circumstances surrounding their identified praxis will be undertaken, as well as an appreciative and critical retrieval of the voice of the faith tradition. Based on that reflection, possible educational and ministerial interventions that meet criteria of pragmatic feasibility and religious faithfulness will be imagined and articulated verbally and in writing for evaluation and feedback.
LIM 890 Special Topics 3/1 crs.
Elective Course
This course number is used to offer courses on an infrequent basis. Typically, the course is offered once using this number with a unique title. For a full description, contact the institute office.
Students wishing to explore the practice of ministry in specific contexts may apply to the director to arrange a practicum of 1-3 hours, which will include a reflective paper and supervised experience.
LIM 899 Independent Study 3/1 crs.
Students may apply to the director for independent study based on specific situations or needs. Forms are available in the institute office.