TEAC-A700 Introduction to Educational Research: Applications, 3 crs.
Entry graduate-level survey of research methods with a dual emphasis on 1) comprehension of educational research literature (teachers as consumers of educational research) and 2) designing and conducting classroom-based research (teachers as producers of educational research)
TEAC-A705 Multiculturalism and Social Justice, 3 crs.
This course examines multicultural education through a focus on the historical, sociological, and philosophical foundations of education. Special emphasis is placed on the role of ethnicity in the development of the United States and its education system. Includes an overview of multicultural/ multilingual curricula with a special focus on culturally/ linguistically responsive instruction and assessment techniques. Field experience is required.
TEAC-A710 Exceptional Individuals in a Diverse Society, 3crs.
This course provides a survey of current knowledge of individuals with exceptionalities within the context of human growth and development. Content includes historical factors concerning acceptance and treatment, legislation, etiology, characteristics, needs, educational strategies, including existing and emerging technologies, assessment, and support services of/for individuals with exceptionalities. The course will study the impact of exceptionalities on academic and social/emotional performances. The role of environment, race, ethnic origin, and religion will be included. It will also reflect upon such individuals from the perspective of a just and humane society. Field experience is required for everyone in this course.
TEAC-A715 The Adolescent Learner, 3 crs.
This course examines salient issues concerning adolescent development. The focus is on adolescent development as influenced by diverse contexts. Particular attention is given to the challenges and strengths associated with adolescent development in and around urban contexts. The course format includes lectures and discussion. Field work is required.
TEAC-A720 Differentiated Instruction: Applications, 3crs.
Differentiated Instruction is a study of factors that impact student learning including growth and development, cognitive abilities, motivation, learning styles and individual differences. Throughout the course, there will be an emphasis on the role of diversity in education. Practical solutions to learning problems through differentiation of teaching strategies will be a major focus of the course. Graduate students will be either employed in a school or placed in a school setting where the observation of adolescents in an educational environment can take place. Field work is an integral part of this course.
TEAC-A725 Language and Literacy in a Diverse Society, 3crs.
A study of the processes involved in learning from text materials and of the practices and strategies, which contribute to concept development and reading comprehension. Field work is an integral part of this course.
TEAC-A730 Statistics and Assessment, 3crs.
This course represents an entry-level introduction to statistical methods for graduate students. The course aims to equip the student with the fundamentals of conceptual and computational skills to aid in the understanding and application of statistical procedures and to use this ability in a school setting. This is combined with the fundamentals of tests and measurements to aid teacher candidates in understanding and using test data to improve instruction and to acquire skills in constructing teacher-made tests.
TEAC-A735 Effective Classroom Management and Organization, 3 crs.
This course looks at the correlation between the art and science of teaching and the management of behavior and academic instruction within a secondary classroom. This form of classroom management takes into account Cura Personalis (care of the individual) and the earmarks of Ignatian pedagogy along with research findings from noted authors in this field. This course is the theory part of classroom management and the application part will take place in Methods I. Field work is required each week in a secondary school classroom. Instructions and forms for recording and elaborating on observations will be distributed in the second class session.
TEAC-A740 Advanced Methods of Secondary School Teaching I, 3 crs.
This course is designed to develop the skills necessary for effective teaching in a secondary school classroom. Included are skills related to planning for instruction, developing a repertoire of different strategies, how to differentiate instruction, assessing student outcomes, problem solving, classroom management, and evaluating teacher performance. This course integrates theory with practice in a secondary school environment. Field work is required in this class.
TEAC-A745 Specific Content Area Methods II, 3 crs.
This course provides graduate students with instructional methods, techniques and experiences for teaching a specific subject at the secondary level. The course builds upon the material studied in Methods for Teaching in Secondary Schools I. The course takes place in a secondary school where the graduate student shadows a master teacher in that school for a semester (the first semester of a two semester requirement). Upon completion, students will understand how to plan, develop and implement specific teaching strategies for a particular academic discipline in the secondary classroom and/or laboratory (if applicable).
TEAC-A795 Internship/Student Teaching in Diverse Communities, 6 crs.
This course is a two semester Internship/Student Teaching (3 semester hours each semester) experience in a secondary school (grades 6‐12). The graduate student must be in the school every day, all day when school is in session. The graduate student may be the teacher of the class (Intern), holding a temporary teaching certificate, or a co-‐teacher (Student Teacher) in the class. Rules are a little different for co-teachers and will be explained on an individual basis. Interns will be assigned a Mentor Teacher by the secondary school administration. Student Teachers work under a Cooperating Teacher who is assigned by the secondary school administration and who is present every day in the classroom as the primary teacher. Loyola University will also assign a College Supervisor to each graduate student. The College Supervisor visits the student a minimum of four (4) times each semester at their school site. All graduate students must achieve a grade of “B” or better in this course in order to qualify for a recommendation for a teaching certificate.