Music Courses

Music Ensembles | Music General | Music History | Music Performance Private Instruction | Music Performance Class Instruction | Music Pedagogy | Music Theory | Music Therapy

Music Ensembles

MUEN M700 – 706 Major Ensemble 1 cr. hr.

Loyola Symphony Orchestra, Loyola Chamber Orchestra, University Band, University Chorale, University Chorus, Jazz Band I, Jazz Workshop Band, Jazz Training Ensemble, and Wind Ensemble. These courses involve regular rehearsals and performances in groups of various sizes and constitutions. Course may be repeated for credit. Open to non-music students by audition only.

MUEN M800 – 803 Minor Ensemble 1 cr. hr.

Training Orchestra, Opera Workshop, and Vocal Chamber Ensemble. These courses involve regular rehearsals and performance in groups of various sizes and constitutions. Course may be repeated for credit. Open to non-music students by audition only.

MUEN M900 – 910 Chamber Ensemble 1 cr. hr.

String Ensemble, Woodwind Ensemble, Brass Ensemble, Percussion Ensemble, Jazz Combo, Guitar Ensemble, Clarinet Ensemble, Flute Ensemble, Saxophone Ensemble, Trombone Ensemble, and Piano Chamber Ensemble. These courses involve regular rehearsals and performances in groups of various sizes and constitutions. Course may be repeated for credit. Open to non-music students by audition only.

Music - General

MUGN M700 Psychology of Music  3 crs.

This course will present a wide variety of related topics within the psychology of music.  The course deals with connections between philosophy and music psychology, human musicality, musical behavior, and physical/ physiological, perceptual, behavioral, cognitive, constructivist, and humanistic approaches to examining music learning.  The course will entail a basic introduction to acoustical principles, and physiological processes for experiencing sound, perception of music, the nature of musical ability, extensions of foundational theories of music learning, humanistic views on music learning, music therapy, mental and physical health, peak experience, musician personality, musical self-identity, and music in a variety of social contexts.

MUGN M705 Introduction to Graduate Studies 3 crs.

Required of all graduate music students except those in music therapy. Techniques in research and writing necessary to the completion of theses or other formal documents are addressed.

MUGN M810 Thesis arr.

Formal, written, research study of a specific area of music, music education, or music therapy.

Music History

MUHL M710 Survey of Wind Literature 3 crs.

This course is a survey of wind literature, (from the Middle Ages through the 20th century), instruments, and the development of bands. Classes will consist of listening to recordings, basic score study, and discussions of selected readings and repertoire lists. Class discussions will focus on both the historical and pedagogical value of the selected wind music.

MUHL M711 Topics in Solo Vocal Literature 3 crs.

This is a seminar-style study of a single topic in the history of solo vocal literature other than opera. Course may be repeated for credit, as long as topic is different.

MUHL M712 Keyboard Literature I 3 crs.

This course is a survey of piano literature from the Baroque era to the present. It includes a survey of important keyboard repertoire that precedes the Baroque.

MUHL M713 Keyboard Literature II 3 crs.

This course is a continuation of Keyboard Literature I.

MUHL M807 Topics in Operatic Literature 3 crs.

This is a seminar-style study of a single topic in the history of opera. Course may be repeated for credit, as long as topic is different.

MUHL M810 Orchestral Literature 3 crs.

This course offers a survey of orchestral literature from the Baroque to the present and includes stylistic analysis of selected works.

MUHL M812 Topics in Music History: before 1600 3 crs.

A seminar-style study of a topic concerning music before c. 1600. Course may be repeated for credit, as long as topic is different.

MUHL M813 Topics in Music History: 1550 – 1800 3 crs.

A seminar-style study of a topic concerning music between the birth of opera and the French Revolution, usually focusing on some aspect of Western art music but including consideration of influences from world musics and popular musics. Course may be repeated for credit, as long as topic is different.

MUHL M814 Topics in Music History: 1770 – 1920 3 crs.

A seminar-style study of a topic concerning music between the era of the French Revolution and the First World War, usually focusing on some aspect of Western art music but including consideration of influences from world musics and popular musics. Course may be repeated for credit, as long as topic is different.

MUHL M815 Topics in Music History: 1850 – present 3 crs.

A seminar-style study of a single topic concerning music from Wagner to the present, usually focusing on some aspect of Western art music but including consideration of influences from world musics and popular musics. Course may be repeated for credit, as long as topic is different.

Music Performance - Private Instruction

MUPR M721 – 748 Applied Study 2 – 3 crs.

This is a concentrated study of voice or of string, woodwind, brass, percussion, or keyboard instruments. Students must display a degree of performance proficiency appropriate to graduate level work. Creditable as needed.

MUPR M800 Graduate Recital 3 crs.

This course is a full, individual program of music of a level appropriate to graduate level study of applied music.

Music Performance - Class Instruction

MUPC M709 Advanced Instrumental Conducting 3 crs.

This course looks at conducting techniques, score reading, and analysis in the context of literature, style, and interpretation.

MUPC M711 Advanced Choral Conducting 3 crs.

This course offers a detailed study of advanced conducting problems with an emphasis on score reading and analysis in the context of contemporary literature, style, and interpretation.

Music Pedagogy

MUPD M700 General Music Pedagogy 3 crs.

This course looks at current issues and developments, teaching-learning systems, materials, media, teaching strategies, and research relevant to general music education at the preschool, elementary, and secondary levels.

MUPD M705 Piano Pedagogy 3 crs.

This course offers instruction in teaching materials and literature for the upper intermediate and advanced levels of keyboard students, with a look at varying approaches to pedagogical problems encountered at these levels.

MUPD M706 Vocal Pedagogy 3 crs.

This course offers a survey of various approaches to the teaching of singing, with an emphasis on the physiology and acoustics of the voice.

MUPD M707 String Pedagogy 3 crs.

This course looks at past and present teaching techniques and materials, string instrument maintenance and repair, and tone-modification adjustments.

MUPD M708 Woodwind Pedagogy 3 crs.

This course looks at pedagogy materials, methods, solo and ensemble literature, embouchure, and mechanical and acoustical difficulties peculiar to woodwind instruments.

MUPD M709 Brass Pedagogy 3 crs.

This course focuses on the historical development of the capabilities of brass instruments, embouchure, acoustical, and intonational considerations relating to performance and pedagogy; and instructional materials and literature.

MUPD M710 Choral Pedagogy 3 crs.

This course offers instruction in choral organization, blend, balance, intonation and vocal production, interpretation of literature, program building, and rehearsal psychology.

MUPD M711 Guitar Pedagogy 3 crs.

Techniques of problem diagnosis, technical presentation, methodology and evaluation; supervised teaching of guitar classes, weekly meetings for reports, discussion, and performance evaluation.

Music Theory

MUTH M720 Topics in Music Theory 3 crs.

A seminar-style study of a single analytical technique, such as Schenkerian analysis or pitch-class set theory, or an analytical survey of a particular body of literature, such as the Classical string quartet or 20th-century sacred music for chorus and orchestra.

MUTH M808 Style Analysis I 3 crs.

This course offers a theoretical analysis of selected works from the Baroque through post-romantic periods in correlation with historical development of compositional practices.

MUTH M809 Style Analysis II 3 crs.

This course offers a theoretical analysis of selected works of 20th-century music and an introduction to the theories of Heinrich Schenker and their application to the tonal repertoire.

MUTH M810 Composition 3 crs.

This course offers private instruction in musical composition. Substantial theoretical background and experience in writing in neotonal styles is assumed. A rehearsed presentation of an original work written during the term is required. Creditable repeatedly.

Music Therapy

MUTY M702 Music Therapy Research 3 crs.

To develop an awareness of music therapy research including topic development and topic selection, research methodology, and publication.


MUTY M703 Advanced Music Therapy Practicum 3 crs.

This course will focus on advanced music therapy clinical techniques and clinical practice. It will also enhance the student’s knowledge of the current music therapy research done with a client population of the student’s choice.

MUTY M704 Music Therapy Supervision and Education 3 crs.

This course will address issues in both clinical and academic supervision. The student will also be introduced to curriculum planning and syllabus development.


MUTY M705 Advanced Music Therapy Models 3 crs.

This course will address advanced music therapy methods and techniques.


MUTY M706 Music Therapy in Medicine 3 crs.

This course will address music therapy within the medical field. The student will be introduced to receptive improvisational recreative and compositional approaches with medical clients.


MUTY M714 Graduate Council 1-2 crs.

This is a council of music therapy graduate students whose function is the approval of research proposals and papers produced within the department.