In order to attain the Certificate in Immigration and Citizenship Law and Practice, students must complete 17 hours of coursework; 7 hours of immigration and citizenship courses and 10 hours of immigration clinic.* In addition, students will need to secure 2 skills credits (of their 8 required to graduate) in immigration or naturalization skills courses. Students are encouraged, but not required, to take additional related courses.
LAW L832 Immigation and Citizenship (3 hrs)
LAW L933 Asylum and Refugee Law (2 hrs)*
LAW L932 Immigration Law Seminar (2 hrs)
LAW L897 Clinical Seminar: Immigration (10 hrs) - Students will take over 2 semesters.
LAW L900 Academic Externship (1-2 hrs)
LAW L844 Administrative Law (3 hrs)
LAW L840 Employment Law (3 hrs)
LAW L820 Employment Discrimination (3 hrs)
LAW L924 Human Rights Advocacy Project (3 hrs)
LAW L878 International Law (3 hrs)
LAW L955 Advanced Constitutional Law - 14th Amendment (3 hrs)
LCOM L800 Family Law (3 hrs)
In order to receive the certificate, students mush maintain a GPA of 3.0 or better in the certificate courses, and an overall GPA of 2.5 or higher.
*This course is now offered for 3 academic credits. July 2016
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