Certificates in Civil Law and Common Law

The College of Law offers a program granting a Certificate in Civil Law and a Certificate in Common Law. This unique certification program is based upon Loyola’s dual common law and civil law curricula and encourages substantial study of the two dominant Western legal systems. A student choosing to complete the requirements for the certificate acquires an understanding of the conceptual framework of each legal system. In an era of increasing recognition of the international marketplace, an individual with this understanding is well-equipped to deal with legal issues from the perspective of the two legal systems that prevail throughout much of the world.

Certificate in Civil Law—Requirements for Common Law Students Who Enter the College of Law in Fall 2013 and Thereafter

Common law students are eligible to receive the Certificate in Civil Law Studies at graduation upon the successful completion of all requirements for common law students plus 12 credits from the following courses. 

Course Hours
LCIV L706 Civil Law Property I 3 hrs.
LCIV L710 Obligations I 3 hrs.

One of the following courses:

LCIV L715 Successions
LCIV L725 Sales and Leases
LCIV L900 Civil Law of Persons
LCIV L920 Louisiana Donations and Trusts
LCIV L921 Louisiana Secured Transactions
LCIV L930 Community Property
LCIV L940 Security Rights


3 hrs.
3 hrs.
3 hrs.
3 hrs.
3 hrs.
3 hrs.
3 hrs.

A student must take one of the following perspective courses: Western Legal Tradition (3 hrs.—LAW L803), Comparative Law (3 hrs.—LAW L881), Comparative Law Seminar (3 hrs.—LAW L816), or Comparative Legal Systems (3 hrs.—LAW G814).  Students must maintain an average of "B" or better in all classes taken to satisfy the course requirements for the certificate.  Students much obtain at least a graduating G.P.A. of 2.5.  Students much take 12 credit hours of courses that satisfy the certificate.

Certificate in Civil Law—Requirements for Common Law Students Who Entered the College of Law Prior to Fall 2013

Common law students are eligible to receive the Certificate in Civil Law Studies at graduation upon the successful completion of all requirements for common law students plus 12 credits from the following courses:

Course Hours
LCIV L706 Civil Law Property I 3 hrs.
LCIV L710 Obligations I * 3 hrs.

One of the following courses:

LCIV L715 Successions
LCIV L725 Sales and Leases
LCIV L900 Civil Law of Persons
LCIV L920 Louisiana Donations and Trusts
LCIV L930 Community Property
LCIV L940 Security Rights


3 hrs.
3 hrs.
3 hrs.
3 hrs.
3 hrs.
3 hrs.

In addition, in order to be eligible to receive the certificate, a student must satisfy the “Perspective Course” requirement by taking Western Legal Tradition (3 hrs.—LAW L803), Comparative Law (3 hrs.—LAW L881), Comparative Law Seminar (3 hrs.—LAW L816), or Comparative Legal Systems (3 hrs.—LAW G814).

*Formerly named Conventional Obligations; course renamed Obligations I in fall 2011. 

Certificate in Common Law—Requirements for Civil Law Students Who Enter the College of Law in Fall 2013 and Thereafter

Civil law students are eligible to receive the Certificate in Common Law Studies at graduation upon the successful completion of all requirements for civil law students plus the requirements listed below.

Course Hours
LCOM L705 Common Law Property * 3 hrs
LCOM L920 Commercial Transactions 3 hrs.

One of the following courses:

LAW L836   Real Estate Transactions ** 
LCOM L701 Contracts II 
LCOM L715 Trusts and Estates 
LCOM L921 Secured Transactions


3 hrs.
3 hrs.
3 hrs.
3 hrs.

A student must take one of the following perspective courses: Western Legal Tradition (3 hrs.—LAW L803), Comparative Law (3 hrs.—LAW L881), Comparative Law Seminar (3 hrs.—LAW L816), or Comparative Legal Systems (3 hrs.—LAW G814).  Students must maintain an average of "B" or better in all classes taken to satisfy the course requirements for the certificate.  Students must obtain at least a graduating G.P.A. of 2.5.  Students must take 12 credit hours of courses that satisfy the certificate.

*Formerly names LCOM L705 Common Property Law I (renamed fall 2014). 
** As of fall 2014, this course replaces LCOM L710 Common Law Property II, which was eliminated from the curriculum and course inventory. 

Certificate in Common Law—Requirements for Civil Law Students Who Entered the College of Law Prior to Fall 2013

Civil law students are eligible to receive the Certificate in Common Law Studies at graduation upon the successful completion of all requirements for civil law students plus 12 credits from the following courses:

Course Hours
LCOM L705 LCOM L710 Common Law Property II * 3 hrs
LCOM L920 Commercial Transactions 3 hrs.

One of the following courses:

LCOM L701 Contracts II
LCOM L705 Common Law Property I **
LCOM L715 Trusts and Estates
LCOM L921 Secured Transactions


3 hrs.
3 hrs.
3 hrs.
3 hrs.

In addition, in order to be eligible to receive the certificate, a student must satisfy the “Perspective Course” requirement by taking Western Legal Tradition (3 hrs.—LAW L803), Comparative Law (3 hrs.—LAW L881), Comparative Law Seminar (3 hrs.—LAW L816), or Comparative Legal Systems (3 hrs.—LAW G814). 

*As of fall 2014 Common Law Property II was eliminated from the curriculum.  Students may fulfill this requirement with LCOML705 Common Law Property I or LCOML705 Common Law Property.  LCOML705 Common Law Property I was renamed LCOML Common Law Property in fall 2014 when LCOML710 Common Law Property II was eliminated from the course inventory. 

**LCOML705 Common Law Property I will fulfill the section 3 requirement above only if the student took LCOML710 Common Law Property II to fulfill the section 1 requirement.  If a student takes LCOML705 Common Law Property I or LCOML705 Common Law Property to fulfill section 1, then the student must take LAW L836 Real Estate Transactions or any course listed in section 3 other than LCOML705 Common Law Property I.

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