Loyola follows the requirements mandated by the Department of Education for the treatment of Title IV funds when a student withdraws. These requirements were added to the law by the Higher Education Amendments of 1998 (Public Law 105 – 244) and are found in section 484B of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, and in the implementing final regulations published on November 1, 1999 (64 FR 59016). A repayment to the federal aid programs (Perkins Loan and Direct Loan programs) may be required when cash has been disbursed to a student from financial aid funds in excess of the amount of aid the student earned during the term. The amount of Title IV aid earned is determined by multiplying the total Title IV aid (excluding Federal College Work-Study funds) for which the student qualified by the percentage of time during the term that the student was enrolled. If less aid was disbursed than was earned, the amount of Title IV aid that must be returned is determined by subtracting the earned amount from the amount actually disbursed. The responsibility for returning unearned aid is allocated between the university and the student according to the portion of disbursed aid that could have been used to cover university charges and the portion that could have been disbursed directly to the student once university charges were covered. Loyola University will distribute the unearned aid back to the Title IV programs as specified by law. The student will be responsible for any balance on his or her account which results from these adjustments.